
SLSLM Inaugural Academic Conference – Featured Speaker Dr. Beth Frates

by slslmadmin on September 15, 2023

Don’t miss the chance to hear from the renowned Dr. Beth Frates, a trailblazer in the field of Lifestyle Medicine, at the Sri Lankan Society of Lifestyle Medicine’s Inaugural Academic Conference!

Dr. Beth Frates, M.D., is a physiatrist and health and wellness coach with expertise in Lifestyle Medicine. She serves as an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School and has earned multiple teaching accolades from both Harvard Extension School and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Frates is an American College of Lifestyle Medicine Fellow and was voted as the president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine in August 2020.

Dr. Frates co-authored “The Lifestyle Medicine Handbook: An Introduction to the Power of Healthy Habits,” which was ranked among the top 20 medical books released in 2018 by Book Authority. Additionally, she co-authored “The Teen Lifestyle Medicine Handbook” to educate and empower middle and high school students in adopting and maintaining healthy habits.

In her role as Director of Wellness Programming at the Stroke Institute for Research and Recovery at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, Dr. Frates developed and implemented a 12-step wellness program called “PAVING the Path to Wellness™” for patients and providers. She has recently co-authored the book “PAVING the Path to Wellness Workbook: A Guide to Thriving with a Healthy Body, Peaceful Mind, and Joyful Heart.”

In the fall of 2020, Dr. Frates assumed the position of Director of Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness for the Department of Surgery at Mass General Hospital.

Register today for the conference and secure your opportunity to learn from a leading expert in Lifestyle Medicine!

Conference Registration Form:

